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s1 10 Bicycles


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa Pig.


It is a lovely, sunny day,

and Peppa and George are
riding their bicycles.

That's a fine pumpkin,
Daddy Pig!

Daddy Pig is very proud of
his pumpkin.

Pumpkins are the only thing
I can grow.

Probably because
I love pumpkin pie!

Come on, George.

Danny, Suzy, Rebecca!

Peppa and her friends,

Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep
and Rebecca Rabbit,

are riding their bicycles.

George is riding his tricycle.

He's going so slowly.

Let's race to
Daddy Pig's pumpkin.

If we race to Daddy's Pumpkin,

we have to be very careful
not to bump into it.

Daddy would be very sad
if the pumpkin got broken.

Don't worry, Peppa..

Race you!

Peppa and her friends are
racing to Daddy Pig's pumpkin!

Hey! Watch out for my pumpkin!!


Peppa! Look out!
Daddy's Pumpkin!!!!

Sorry, Daddy!

Look at George!
He's going so slowly!

George is still
riding a baby bike!

Yours is
a baby bike, too, Peppa!

You've still got stabilizers!

I can ride without my stabilizers.

Me, too.

And me.

Let's ride up the hill again!

Are you coming, Peppa?

No, I think I'll stay here.

See you later!

Peppa wishes she did not have
stabilizers on her bicycle.

Daddy, I don't want stabilizers anymore.

Do you think you can ride
without them?


Alright, Peppa. Let's take them off.

Daddy Pig is taking the stabilizers
off Peppa's bicycle.

Are you sure you want to
ride without stabilizers?


You've never done it before.

I can do it. I can! I can!


It's not funny!

Riding without stabilizers
is not easy.

Would you like some help,

Yes, please, Daddy.

Alright. Ready...

Steady... GO!

Don't let go, Daddy!

Don't worry. I've got you.

You're doing really well, Peppa.

Hold on, Daddy!

Just keep peddling.

Peppa is riding on her own,
without stabilizers!

Daddy! You let go!

You've been cycling
on your own for ages.

Have I?

You're really very good at it!

Am I?

Oh, I can do it! Look at me!

Look at me! I can ride my bike properly.

Danny! Suzy! Rebecca! Look!

I don't need my stabilizers
anymore! Look at me!


Race you to Daddy's pumpkin!


Peppa, look out my pumpkin!

I'm going to win!

Peppa isn't looking
where she is going!

Wahhhh! Oops!

Oh, dear, Peppa has squashed
Daddy Pig's pumpkin!

Sorry I squashed
your pumpkin, Daddy.

Never mind the pumpkin.

The important thing is
that you are okay.

In future, you really must look
where you are going.

I promise I will, Daddy.

Good. Anyway,
now the pumpkin is broken,

I can make it
into pumpkin pie!

I love pumpkin pie!

And because Daddy Pig's
pumpkin is so big,

there will be enough
pumpkin pie for everyone!



alright [ɔ:lˈraɪt] adj. 没问题的 adv. 好吧(等于all right) { :2117}

yours [jɔ:z] pron. 你(们)的东西;你的责任[义务];你的家属;来信,尊函 adj. 你(们)的(东西);信末署名前用语 {zk gk :2133}

sad [sæd] adj. 难过的;悲哀的,令人悲痛的;凄惨的,阴郁的(形容颜色) {zk gk :2145}

bike [baɪk] n. 自行车;脚踏车 vi. 骑自行车(或摩托车) n. (Bike)人名;(土、土库、塞)比克 {zk :2163}

cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] n. 骑脚踏车消遣;骑脚踏车兜风 {ielts :2200}

sheep [ʃi:p] n. 羊,绵羊;胆小鬼 {zk gk ielts :2697}

steady [ˈstedi] n. 关系固定的情侣;固定支架 adj. 稳定的;不变的;沉着的 vt. 使稳定;稳固;使坚定 adv. 稳定地;稳固地 vi. 稳固 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :2914}

rabbit [ˈræbɪt] n. 兔子,野兔 vt. 让…见鬼去吧 vi. 猎兔 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3037}

pie [paɪ] n. 馅饼;饼图;爱说话的人 vt. 使杂乱 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :3323}

bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

bicycles [ˈbaisiklz] n. [车辆] 自行车;脚踏车(bicycle的复数) {ielts :4366}

bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪkl] n. 自行车 vt. 骑自行车运送 vi. 骑脚踏车 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :4366}

sunny [ˈsʌni] adj. 阳光充足的,和煦的;快活的;性情开朗的 {zk gk :4866}

bump [bʌmp] n. 肿块,隆起物;撞击 vi. 碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行 vt. 碰,撞;颠簸 adv. 突然地,猛烈地 n. (Bump)人名;(英、西)邦普 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5504}

pumpkins [ˈpʌmpkinz] n. 南瓜(pumpkin的复数) { :6149}

pumpkin [ˈpʌmpkɪn] n. 南瓜 {cet6 toefl :6149}

Danny [,dæni] n. 手(尤用于与幼儿说话时);侦察用车 { :6223}

squashed [skwɔʃd] adj. 压扁的;压碎的 v. 压扁(squash的过去式) { :6923}

rebecca [ri'bekә] n. 丽贝卡(女子名,寓意迷人的美) { :7378}

peddling ['pedlɪŋ] n. 行商 v. 沿街叫卖(peddle的现在分词) adj. 叫卖的;无关紧要的;琐碎的 { :11632}

oops [ʊps] int. 哎哟(表示惊讶,狼狈时所发的喊声) { :13703}

stabilizers [s'teɪbəlaɪzəz] n. 安定装置( stabilizer的名词复数 ); 安定翼; 有安定作用之人(或物); 稳定者 { :19773}

tricycle [ˈtraɪsɪkl] n. [车辆] 三轮车 { :21368}

suzy [ ] n. 苏西(女子名) { :25521}

hurray [hʊˈreɪ] n. 万岁呼声;狂热 n. (Hurray)人名;(匈)胡劳伊 vt. 向…欢呼(等于hurrah) int. 加油 vi. 欢呼 { :34628}

riding [ˈraɪdɪŋ] n. 骑马;骑术 v. 骑;乘坐(ride的现在分词) n. (Riding)人名;(英)赖丁 { :1283}

arrgh [ ] 啊(拟声词)

wheeeee [ ] [网络] 唉声叹气

bump into [bʌmp ˈɪntuː] v. 偶然碰到;邂逅;遇见;(意外)撞到 [网络] 撞上;碰见;撞见

don't worry [ ] [网络] 别担心;不要担心;别着急

i promise [ ] [网络] 我保证;我发誓;我答应你

it's not funny [ ] [网络] 不好玩;这个不好笑;这样并不好笑

proud of [ ] [网络] 骄傲;自豪的;为…而自豪

pumpkin pie [ˈpʌmpkin pai] n. 【食】南瓜派 [网络] 南瓜馅饼;南瓜饼;南瓜批

ride on [raid ɔn] un. 在…上运动:;依…而定:;骑在(马、自行车等)上:;在…上航行 [网络] 骑在上面;取决于;乘

ride up [raid ʌp] na. (身上的衣服等)向上拱;(衣领)露出(衣外);(领带)松开;走样 [网络] 缩上去;往上缩;滑上去

sunny day [ ] [网络] 晴天;日光海岸;放晴

the Hill [ ] [网络] 山丘;小山;国会山报

the stabilizer [ ] 安定翼,水平尾翼

to bump [ ] [网络] 颠簸着前进

to bump into [ ] [网络] 值遇;碰撞;碰到

look at me

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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